Join the ETHICLEAD Team



Thank you for your interest in becoming our next facilitator at ETHICLEAD®. I should start by being completely open and transparent with you, about our obsession with what we do and why do it. We make no apologies for this because it is what has kept us in business since 2005.

We believe there is a leadership deficit in western culture. There is far too much evidence suggesting leadership is moving away from ethical agendas and is now motivated toward the acquisition and retention of power. This has polarised societies around the world, when leadership should instead be uniting these societies.

ETHICLEAD® has been making very good ground in this space with our proprietary model of leadership called The 15 Disciplines®, however we are limited by our current capacity. So, the search for a new facilitator is a positive step toward increasing our capacity. Please don’t be mistaken by this, we are already punching above our weight in all respects with the reach we are achieving but we need to do more. Society needs us to do more.

A secondary motivation, yet no less significant to the appointment of our next facilitator, is that I personally am six years away from retirement age and will at that time, want to withdraw from full-time facilitation. I am keen to use this time to build sustainable capacity into the business.

The application guidelines accessible by clicking the button below have been carefully prepared by the ETHICLEAD® team to prepare you for this recruitment process. So before applying, I ask that you please consider the key selection criteria carefully. They have been selected based on what our clients advised were ‘key’ to our long-term relationships. If you believe therefore that you can demonstrate to us that you have the required skills and capability to become the next ETHICLEAD® leadership facilitator, then we would very much like to meet you. We look forward to that opportunity.

Kind regards ,

Stephen Scott
Principal Facilitator – ETHICLEAD®.